Sound Vision has an amazing team of volunteers who do most of the work along with its small professional staff and a volunteer board. Above a team of volunteers are working to get a mailing out. Some not pictured are actually sitting on floor getting the work done. Close to 300 people volunteers every year with us. Some give as much as 20 hours a week. Our board of directors includes some exceptional leaders. Two of them have been selected among the 500 most influential Muslims in the world. A quarter of a century ago, August 1988, to be precise, Sound Vision decided to do something a little different. And today, with a daily audience of 70,000, two million lessons, and thousands of articles later, it's clear that that decision changed the lives of both Muslims and non-Muslims the world over for the better. Sound Vision will be celebrating its 25th birthday in 2013. We are inviting Muslim intellectuals, Nobel Laureates, and peace and justice leaders in America to honor us throughout this year. Muslims continue to routinely complain about how the Western media misrepresents Islam and Muslims. However, we have rarely reaped the benefits of using this same resource to define and share who we are and our perspective. This is where Sound Vision comes in. The Reach
The Pioneer
Tips for Living Islam
Resources for FamilySound Vision has pioneered development of original, free, tip-oriented resources about living Islam in the Western context. It discusses topics ranging from holidays to parenting, women's issues to social services, and the reaching out by building relationships. We issue newsletters focused on the real issues parents, Imams and teachers face. This is why more people come to Sound Vision every day than the websites of most of the national Muslim organizations. |
“Sound Vision, is a bit of Disney, PBS, Microsoft, and Oprah all rolled into one.” |
Sound Vision is a tax exempt, not for profit, 501 (C) 3 organization. You can contribute your tax deductible donations here. 27 E. Monroe St. Suite 700 Palmer House Office Tower, Chicago, IL | 312 788 7522 |
Board of Directors: Abdul Malik Mujahid; Dr. Ahmed Murad; Dr. Khalid Riaz; Dr. Khursheed Mallick; Janaan Hashim; Hannah El-Amin; Dr. Altaf Kaiseruddin; Fuad Lashkarwala