It is not easy to be a young Muslim today in America. Islamophobia clearly seems to be playing a role in shaping the attitudes of young Muslims. According to one Zogby international poll, 75 percent of young Muslims said they or someone they know has been discriminated against. A Columbia University survey of Muslim students in New York public schools found that 28 percent had been stopped by police as a result of racial profiling and seven percent of them said they had been physically assaulted because of who they are. Sound Vision, therefore, not only produces for young Muslims but makes sure that they are mastering the art and science of communication. |
In this image interns are enjoying their farewell lunch at Sound Vision. Our internship program is director by a professor. Internship at Sound Vision is not "get me that file" type of experience. We invest time in helping them learn to do media. Many of our interns and volunteers now work in many mainstream media organization in good positions. Learn more about our internship program here. The human face of this pressure from Islamophobia can be found in cases like that of a Muslim girl featured on the NPR program “This American Life.” Read our article about the Challenges of Anger Among Muslim Youth. |
27 E. Monroe St. Suite 700 Palmer House Office Tower, Chicago, IL | 312 788 7522 |